Local Cryotherapy


Different than the whole-body exposure, local cryotherapy utilizes a direct stream of cold air that can be localized and focused to a particular area on the body. Local cryotherapy is also effective in reducing inflammation, treating injuries, and decreasing the perception of pain.

Some common conditions that can be treated with local cryotherapy include golfer’s elbow, tennis elbow, plantar fasciitis, carpal tunnel, sprains/strains, bursitis, and arthritis.


For the best local cryotherapy results, trust Alliance Chiropractic & Performance. We’re experienced cryotherapy experts and know how to handle treatment for you. We’ll keep you safe and ensure you can see the best results. We’ll help you feel better about how you look and feel.

Call Alliance Chiropractic & Performance for more information about local cryotherapy to treat injuries, inflammation, and chronic pain issues. We’ll let you know how these treatments will impact you and possibly change your life for the better. Seek pain relief from Alliance Chiropractic & Performance.