Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization
When it comes to treating injuries, addressing the skeletal system through chiropractic adjustments is effective, but only half of the solution. We believe that real results occur when the soft tissue (muscles, tendons, ligaments) are also addressed, due to how closely they are related and affect one another.
At Alliance Chiropractic & Performance, we perform instrument assisted soft tissue mobilization (IASTM) in order to break up adhesions that occur within the fascia of the muscles, therefore promoting proper blood flow and contractility of the muscles. IASTM also improves range of motion, decreases pain, improves strength, and shortens the rehabilitation period and time to return to activity for athletes.
So often, the source of our pain comes not from a skeletal problem, but directly from our muscles and ligaments. Alliance Chiropractic & Performance makes sure to treat these tissues to help target the source of your pain. It’s part of the full-body treatment we provide for our patients. Our IASTM treatments have proven to be effective at easing the pain in your ligaments, tendons, and muscles, providing increased blood flow and easing tension in these areas by working out these tissues through motion. If you’re looking to ease your pain while strengthening your muscles, especially after a ligament or tendon injury, IASTM treatments from Alliance Chiropractic & Performance are extremely helpful.
Call Alliance Chiropractic & Performance today to schedule IASTM treatment to relieve pain in your soft tissues and strengthen your body’s muscles.